Moment Rope | Grass Fed Green


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Product Description
The Moment Rope is a simple yet versatile tool that can be utilized to improve a wide range of physiological benefits such as cardiovascular health, dynamic mobility and cognitive function. The Moment Rope is weighted (560g) and produces full body activation to use and flow. It is constructed with special wear-resistant material that allows its use in any environment without risk of damage. We encourage varying surfaces like concrete, carpet, wood, sand, grass and anywhere else outside to produce different and unique connections and experiences. Just go with flow!
Key Benefits
The Moment Rope is an extension of your hands and arms and furthermore, your movements. Your connection with the rope as it flows and responds will directly correlate with how you are moving in and out of each moment. Think of the shapes created by the rope as a real-time 3D mapping of your movement. Look to the rope as your teacher. Respect the rope and it will respect you.
Movement is a byproduct of our lives, our history, and everyone moves differently. The Moment Rope will showcase that movement. If you find movement with constant tension on the rope and it is clipping the ground in a clean and crisp manner, that indicates your movement is coordinated and optimized. If the rope is falling flat, getting tangled, or hitting your body that physical feedback illustrates there is room for improvement. From complete novices to seasoned experts, everyone experiences some level of frustration with the rope at certain times. This is OK. Those types of feelings are an opportunity to nourish the mind with the experience of mental and physical accomplishment as you progress and advance with your movement practice. While anyone can pick up the rope and practice at anytime, the gentle focus and mindset to get in the moment takes practice and patience. Anyone who has embarked on this journey will testify that the juice is worth the squeeze!
The basic fundamental patterns trained through the rope surround human gait and sport such as walking, running, punching and weapon striking. The Moment Rope breaks down these foundational movement patterns into their most basic form, allowing us to optimize and improve upon them over time.
When trained with intention, The Moment Rope becomes a direct connection between your left and right brain hemispheres. The force that you create from one side must be absorbed and reflected on the other side, creating a true Mind/Body connection. This experience yields a completely unique user experience where each and every flow is it’s own. You and your moment.
The main goal with The Moment Rope is to promote and encourage movement. Health, fitness and overall wellness are extremely positively impacted by the dynamic movement The Moment Rope can create. It is our genuine hope that you explore a new type of movement practice that is led by your curiosity and self-discovery of mental and physical expression. We are excited to watch you develop new skills and unlock valuable movements that you actually feel the beneficial affects in your daily life.
Take The Moment Rope for yourself, move freely and always stay in the moment.

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